Transform your life.

Counseling for yourself and your relationships

Who we are What we do

Managing Your Anxiety

Sometimes it seems as though we live in an age of anxiety, with more stress than satisfaction, and more knowledge than wisdom.

We are inundated with information about how we ought to live our best life, and yet it can be so difficult to sort through it all.

When it gets tough, we need tools for coping with the challenges we encounter, and we need to make the most of the strengths we already have.

Managing Your Relationships

These are extraordinary times, and the impact this may have on our relationships only adds to
the challenge.

Video and In-person appointments are both available.

What we can do for you

Conflict Management

Learn to resolve the conflicts you can, live with the ones you can’t, and tell the difference between the two.

Communicating Well

Express yourself effectively, and listen mindfully, whether you are talking to your spouse, your friend, or your boss.

Anxiety and Depression

Get support when things are tough, and develop a plan for reducing your symptoms and maximizing your resources.

Stress Relief

Sometimes stress can get out of hand, and you need to update your toolbox for managing it.

Changing Habits

You know the habits you want to change, but can’t seem to make them happen. We are here to help!

Work/Life Balance

Say Yes to the things that matter by first saying No to the things that don’t.

The best way to grow…

is to start with understanding who you are.  The more you understand and accept yourself, the more you can tell the difference between the changes you want to make and the realities you need to learn to live with. Counseling can be a great way to make this happen.

Get in touch now

Call today to set up an initial appointment.  Your life begins to change when you take the next step.

(c) Copyright 2024, Melinda Lupfer Yachnin, LCPC Inc.