Are you feeling anxious…

Heart pounding, racing thoughts, a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach…

We can’t eliminate our experience of fear, or make the world perfectly safe, but we can learn how to feel confident and calm in the midst of it.

Counseling and therapy are the gold standard treatments for getting a handle on your anxiety.

Or maybe depressed…

Low energy, no motivation, sad or blue and feeling no joy even when you do things you used to enjoy…

One of the symptoms of a depressed brain is that it blames ourselves for feeling bad, and often believes things are more hopeless than they really are.

Therapy is a safe place to talk about all you are feeling, and get the caring support and guidance for the healing you need.

But if you are feeling suicidal, don’t wait, call the National Suicide Hotline now for help.

(c) Copyright 2024, Melinda Lupfer Yachnin, LCPC Inc.